

Rhinoplasty | Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty is known as a nose job, is to improve the appearance of the nose and breathing problems, also enhance the facial harmony.

Why Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty will modify the shape and size of your nose. You can also consider it, to repair an injured nose.

It will change the width of the nose, also nose profile and nasal tip. It will also make nasals symmetry.

Is it right for me?

Without having a second thought you can go for the surgery if you want to improve your nose appearance and also if you are physically healthy and not a smoker. Your age must be 13yrs or more.

The Nose Surgery

The surgeon will prepare you for the surgery by giving you anaesthesia. The surgeon may give your local anaesthesia to numb your surgical part or else if needed then the surgeon will go for general anaesthesia to make you unconscious during the surgery.

The surgery will be done inside the nose or through a small incision across the columella. The nostrils are separated by the tissue’s strips.

Nose plastic surgery cost in India

Reshaping the nose structure

The surgery can help to change the shape of the nose by reducing or augment the cartilage. The surgeon commonly takes cartilages from deep inside your nose. The surgeon occasionally can take cartilages from ears and rarely from the section of the ribs.

The surgeon will also straighten the bent or deviated septum which is the wall of tissue between the nasals. It helps to improve your breathing.

The results
  • Normal change in the shape of your nose can make a larger impact on the appearance of the nose. The internal tubes which support the nose usually in place for one week. The swelling gets rid within the few weeks. Mostly the surgery can give you a satisfactory result, but sometimes you won’t get enough satisfaction with the results, the surgeon may decide to go for second-time surgery. But for second surgery you must have to wait for a year.

    best rhinoplasty surgeon in India

The risks include:
    •  Infections
    •  Bleeding
    •  Swelling
    •  Temporary difficulty in breathing
    •  Pain
    •  Unfavorable scarring
    •  Temporary numbness
    •  Nose asymmetry

    The surgeon will prescribe you medicine and gives you the instruction you must have to follow them for better and pain-free results.

    Instruction that may doctor will give you:

    • How to take care of the surgical area.
    • Specific diet
    • Activity that you have to avoid.
How much Rhinoplasty will cost?

Cost always depends on the experience of the surgeon and procedure. It will vary at different geographical locations. The cost includes the surgeon’s fee, anaesthesia charges, hospital stay and operation theatre charges and also the medicine.

"Your satisfaction is more than a fee."